Grow Nutrient Dense Leafy Greens at Home

Boost your Health with the Planted Membership

It's all about boosting your immunity, your health and your environment!

JOIN the Membership
JOIN our Membership

Learn what the Planted membership is all about.

Planted Containers Background

The Planted Membership

Grow, harvest and enjoy fresh organic seedlings each month! With this Membership you receive a box containing seedlings, living soil, organic fertilizers and grow pots. We'll throw in monthly projects like growing Microgreens, harvesting peppers, growing tomatoes, creating herb-infused cooking oils, or the latest craft cocktails using fresh herbs. Create your own cut and come again garden.

We support your journey with videos and tutorials galore, plus live QA sessions, inspiring conversations with passionate wellness gurus and leaders. Online cooking classes are held each month so that you know exactly how you can prepare the healthiest meals with your organic greens and herbs! You will love as you become obsessed with your favorite new hobby!

"Sweet Zoom call break! Got my first Planted Box and could not resist getting started right away. Amazing job. I got the same feeling I had the first time I opened my iPhone box. Beautiful packing. Let’s see if it can drag me away from my phone going forward as well :-)."


Planted Box Member


It's a box membership for people who want to:

  • Transform their brown thumb to a green thumb.
  • Learn to easily grow organic food at home with monthly planting projects. No yard required!
  • Start a new hobby for your mental health
  • Take control of your gut health!
  • Treat yourself, family, and friends to healthy, clean meals grown from your garden.
  • Be part of a growing community
  • Take the next step in your healthy lifestyle

It's a membership that comes with training, tutorials, and a private FB community of like-minded gardeners and health advocates. We will coach you along the way!


"I cannot keep up with an outdoor raised bed. It just doesn't fit my busy lifestyle. This is such a well-researched and informed approach to micro-gardening, even in the most urban and garden-unfriendly venues. I find myself just munching straight from the mobile wall."


Planted Wall Member


Planted Wall Member

"My garden wall is simply fantastic! It's easy to care for, and I love being able to go pick fresh greens and add to the meal I am making. Plus, it looks beautiful and adds a stunning visual to my back patio."


Hey - I'm Christy!

And I am on a mission to help people live their healthiest life possible.

The bottom line is that growing food in living soil at home is better for you than buying produce at the grocery store and I am on a mission to show people how easy and rewarding it can be. 

A couple of years ago I had my own health issues which forced me to take a closer look at what I was putting in my body. I learned that the faster way to a healthier gut was to eat more leafy greens, and not all leafy greens were created equal.

I figured the best way to get the most nutrition out of my food was to grow as much of it as possible! That was my ah-ha moment -- and viola, The Planted Wall was born. We began our mission to create a system that would make it easy for everyone to grow food at home and get the full nutrition from their food!

The Planted Membership is an easy way to get started growing your own food. Think of it as training wheels for the Planted Wall. There are a million reasons to join, but your very own health and the health of your family should rank right up there at the top! 

Get your hands dirty!


Growing your own organic food is a lifestyle. Let’s live it in style. 


You will fall in love with soil and appreciate how important it is to health of the planet. Soil is alive and we intend to keep it that way! Join the massive food growing movement and do it in soil! Your plants will never achieve maximum nutrition if you grow it in chemicals. That means neither will you. Root to rise! Grow food in living organic soil with Planted Places.

We deliver it, you grow it. 

I can't tell you how much fun I had opening my PlantedPlaces box!  The packaging was absolutely beautiful and it felt like Christmas!  I had so much fun opening and planting each of them and the seedlings were absolutely exquisite.  I truly have never seen fresher, healthier plants.  Can't wait for the next box! 

Customer Photo - Jen


Planted Box Member


We are committed to help everyone achieve optimal health through growing and cooking with nutrient dense leafy greens. Join our free training to get a taste for the organic!



We cover all the basics you need to know to easily grow in small containers and vertically. Here's what you'll learn.

  • Living soil - what's in it and how to keep it alive.
  • What to plant and how
  • When and how to harvest
  • Why sun matters
  • Basics of irrigation
  • Keeping plants healthy and disease free - easier than you think!
Planted Places Food


Now it's time to get healthy! Growing food is good for the soul but really matters is making sure you're also eating it. Here's what we'll cover.

  • Top nutrients to know about in the food you're growing.
  • Learn why these nutrients matter and what they can do to boost your health
  • How to sneak in the leafy greens when you have picky eaters.
  • Delicious recipes for dressings, marinades, soups, etc.


This is the most important part! Growing food brings you closer to nature. We have a special training here that features yoga and how the practice helps to ground you.

Discover your chakras.

Planted Places Logo


We Guarantee all of our organic seedlings. If a seedling does not arrive safely, we'll replace the seedlings for you.

It's All about Healthy Living

We make it easy with the PLANTED Membership. In each box, you will receive seedlings, grow pots, soil & tutorials. Growing food is transformative. Not only will you be growing the most nutritious and delicious produce possible, the minute the box arrives you will begin to reap all the rewards a garden provides.

We are so committed to teaching organic food gardening that we are making it part of the balanced healthy lifestyle you already live! In addition to growing food, this membership comes with fitness and cooking classes! Each month we hold #GetYourGreenChallenges to work those nutrient dense greens into your everyday diet. You are already doing so many great things for your mind, body, and spirit, gardening is a natural, tactile and wonderful addition to what you are already doing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's included in the Planted membership?

It's brand new! It's a membership service that is box subscription that features everything you need to learn how to grow and cook the healthiest, best tasting leafy greens and herbs in living soil at home! You'll receive specialty seedlings with organic living soil, and mini-planters along with tutorials and coaching to guide you throughout the year. Each month we interview experts who will inspire you on your healthy living journey.

You can choose between 6, 12, or 18 seedlings to receive monthly, every 2 months or quarterly - along with soil amendments and other supplies needed for projects. We also send you microgreens with each shipment and teach you how to grow fun surprises like tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and other fun items that come along.

We will feature planting projects that are tailored to the different seasons of the year. We'll plant some of the perennial herbs in the Fall and harvest them in the Spring. We'll grow herbs or microgreens in the cold months, and tomatoes and peppers in the summer months.

Whether you receive your box on a monthly, bi-monthly (every 2 months), or quarterly basis - you can still participate in the monthly programming that we provide for cooking classes, nutritional interviews and challenges, weekly yoga classes and mini-series, and weekly gardening training - plus the special bonus trainings we do throughout the year.

You'll be part of a private FB Planted Community where we go live frequently to teach trainings, post tips, share successes, and feature our online classes with our Planted Live partners.

What if I have never gardened before? How easy is it?

  • We teach you every step along the way!
  • We make it easy and fun with instructions, videos, weekly tips, and a private Facebook community.
  • Each month you will receive new plants and learn how to grow them and use them in your cooking.

How much space does it take and where can I put the planters?

The grow pots are 5.5" diameter - so they're small.  You choose what you want to receive - 6, 12, or 18 total grow pots (because we will be replenishing seedlings often in the same pots).  Throughout the year, we'll give you an opportunity to grow in larger pots for growing tomatoes, root vegetables, and vines.  The larger grow pots will be at most 24" diameter. 

The planters will drain through the felt so it will need to be placed somewhere where it can drain when you water it.  Think of this as container gardening.  You may place these on a deck, on a patio table, on the ground, etc.  You can move them around throughout the year to optimize the sunlight. 

You can start out with the Planted Wall to showcase your organic seedlings or grow into it as you get more comfortable. The Planted Wall automates the watering and is on wheels so it moves around easily and is a beautiful piece of artwork for your back deck or patio!

What's the return/refund policy?

As our Planted subscription includes living plants, we offer replacements if they are damaged in any way.

Can I grow year round?

YES! We grow with the seasons. That means we work with growers to provide the organic seedlings that will thrive during the different seasons of the year.

The Planted subscription is intended for growing outdoors. The ideal location is a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day.

If you live in a location where the temperatures dip below freezing, then you will want to wait until night time temperatures are in the 40's consistently. On the occasional dips into the 30's you can cover with a sheet or bring them indoors for that time period. The breeze is good for plants and helps to keep bugs at bay so growing outdoors is optimal.

You can pause your subscription at anytime or skip shipments if you're traveling for extended periods of time or the rough winter season gets in the way.